Novena candle Saint Michael
  • Novena candle Saint Michael
  • Novena candle Saint Michael

Novena candle Saint Michael

Novena candle Saint Michael
Archangel Michael is most commonly recognized and invoked as the archangel providing protection.
Dutch text!

EgaWen Gifts
Product available for ordering
EW 731042

More information

A novena candle is a candle that burns for nine days and nights with a special intention such as asking for healing or strength for a sick person or for a positive outcome in difficult circumstances.

Prayer on the candle:
Holy Archangel Michael, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and the wiles of the devil. We humbly implore you that God may make him feel his power. And thou, Prince of the heavenly hosts, drive Satan and the other evil spirits, this going round the world to the destruction of souls, by divine power back into hell, Amen.

Novena candle Saint Michael
Dimensions: 18cm x 6.5cm
Burn time: 9 days
100% vegetable oil
Dutch text!

Note: Keep candles out of reach of children and pets. Never leave burning candles unattended!