Angel symbols for children - Ingrid Auer (NL)
A loving guidance for every day. Children love Angels, Angels love children.
Dutch edition!
Children are mostly unconscious for many adults mediators between the world on earth and that spirit world. In the first years of her life she is still in close contact with the world of Angels. Unfortunately, many adults do not take them seriously, and they remain misunderstood with their experiences and feel alone.
This book and these cards will help children and parents to come into contact with the angelic world in a playful way, or to strengthen the existing connection with that angelic world. The book describes, in a way that is suitable for children, how the English symbols on the corresponding round cards can be interpreted in daily life.
However, it can also be used as a "spiritual explanation" for adults, for whom the original, natural access to the angelic world has been lost in the course of their lives. It will help him find it again.
Angel symbols for children - Ingrid Auer (NL)
Content: 21 angel symbols for children on round cards + workbook for children and parents (with 21 highly readable angel stories to read aloud)
Publisher: Koppenhol
Dutch edition!