Seven Chakras incense 7x5 (HEM)
Experience the 7 different scents tailored to the Chakras.
Chakras are centers of spiritual energy in the human body. The seven most important chakras run along your spine up to your crown. The chakras (Sanskrit for "wheel") can be compared to a kind of energy source.
Chakras absorb energy and release energy via energy channels that flow through the body. Chakras are responsible for activating the various bodily functions such as breathing, speaking, walking and so on.
All chakras play an important role in the well-being of body and mind. Every chakra has an influence on certain bodily functions and emotions. It would be ideal if all chakras were open and equally active. Unfortunately this is usually not the case.
Chakras can be 'closed', causing blockages in the energy. To compensate for this, other chakras become overactive, which in turn leads to other problems.
This chakra incense helps to attune yourself to a specific chakra during a meditation.
Seven Chakras incense 7x5 (HEM)
Content: 7 packs of 5 sticks each (35 sticks total)
From: Bangalore (India)
From: HEM corporation
This package does not fit through the letterbox!