Labradoriet steen (getrommeld)
  • Labradoriet steen (getrommeld)

Labradorite stone (tumbled)

Labradorite stone (tumbled)
Helps with fatigue and insomnia as a result of great mental activity.

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Still 13 available


More information

Labradorite is a very mystical and protective stone that brings light and bends of the aura off unwanted energies and prevents leaking energy.

Labradorite helps against decalcification, high blood pressure, hot flashes. Gives confidence and realism. Heals after illness and protected against external influences. Is a aurahealer and valve. Brings hidden talents to light. Good for hypersensitive people. At growth disorders.

Spiritual: Labradorite stimulates intuition and occult abilities, including the art to ' timing '; It brings messages from the unconscious to the surface and understand it makes it possible.

Color: grayish green, black.

Zeldzaamheid: easily available.

Provenance: Italy, Russia, Canada, Greenland, Finland, Scandianvië.