Rhodochrosiet steen (getrommeld)
  • Rhodochrosiet steen (getrommeld)

Rhodochrosite stone (tumbled)

Calms the turmoil and confusion.

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Still 10 available


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Rodochrosiet provides dynamic and positive attitude and stands for selfless love and compassion.

Amity at M. S, lethargy and impotence. Gives a good energy flow of the brain and the respiratory tract. Strengthens the body to morning to get going. Strengthens the memory and relieves pain in osteoarthritis and arthritis.

Spiritual: rodochrosiet cleans the chakras of the solar plexus and the base, by painful and repressed feelings gently to the surface, it ensures that they recognized and be released.

Color: Pink to oranjet.

Rarity: easily available.

Provenance: United States, South Africa, Russia, Argentina and Uruguay.