White Sage and Rosemary Smudge Stick 10cm

White Sage and Rosemary Smudge Stick 10cm
White sage removes negative energies, entities and influences. Rosemary provides inner peace, calm and mental clarity.

EgaWen Gifts
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White Sage and Rosemary Smudge Stick 10cm

White Sage and Rosemary Smudge Stick 10cm


More information

The white sage is also used to remove negative energy and entities from houses, spaces, office buildings, practices, etc. We call this smudging.

Rosemary is an herb that has been used for centuries. It provides calmness, inner peace and mental clarity. It cleanses body and mind and promotes well-being in general and is good for a positive atmosphere. It has a strengthening effect and it refreshes the thoughts and, according to ancient knowledge, would promote concentration and thus increase performance. In Egypt, rosemary was considered sacred and could almost always be found in every pyramid. For the Greeks and Romans, the herb symbolized love, friendship and fidelity.

Smudging is a very powerful ancient Native American cleansing ritual. It is a ritual to cleanse a space, object, house or person from negative energy, entities and/or influences. This also reinforces their own positive, beautiful energy. This ritual is also called a Smudging Ceremony. A smudging ceremony is performed with white sage or a smudge stick (a bundle of sacred herbs).

Method: Before you can start cleaning, set the top (top) of the smudge stick on fire. Once the tip begins to glow and it is smoldering, blow out the flame. Make sure there is enough smoke coming out. Now you can spread the sacred smoke throughout the room. When you're done, you can extinguish it in a fireproof dish or an abalone shell, this way you can use the stick several times. I recommend using an abalone shell, as the shell ensures the presence of all four elements. The abalone shell represents the element of water, lighting the smudge stick represents the element of fire, the smoke represents the element of air, and finally, the smudge stick itself and the herbs represent the element of earth.

Pay attention!
DO NOT burn white sage if you are pregnant.
It has recently been shown that white sage is not advisable during your pregnancy. This is because sage induces uterine spasms and the sage contains substances that act on the nervous system, as well as the nervous system of your unborn baby. Avoid all forms of white sage, including the essential oils.
DO NOT burn white sage in the presence of children and animals.
It is best to burn the white sage when you are alone in the house. This way you can't be distracted and you stay in your own energy.

White Sage and Rosemary Smudge Stick 10cm
Dimensions: 10 x 3cm
Content: 1 smudge stick white sage and rosemary